2.3 Create interesting content
Creating powerful and interesting content is certainly not an option but a necessity so that the required time allocation is more effective and efficient. The choice for a digital marketer is of course clear that this serves to improve SEO, get traffic and leads, so interesting and quality content is needed for blogs and websites.
What tips need to be followed to create interesting and quality content?
a. Create original content
As has been explained, original content certainly goes hand in hand with Google and related content visitors. Copying someone’s content 100% is certainly very risky. Originality must be original so that the same concept or content will no longer be meaningful. So content cannot be effective and efficient.
b.Focus on creating appropriate headline
Headlines are very helpful in arousing the interest of potential buyers. 80% of people will only read the headline and only 20% of people will read the entire content. This requires creating interesting headlines which will help the content to be of higher quality.
c. Can provide answers to problems
Search engines are useful for answering existing problems so that content that will answer these questions can appear at the top of searches. When someone uses a search engine they expect to get answers. This is similar to someone reading a blog content they are looking for answers to their questions. One important tip is that a person not only needs an answer but also wants a quick answer too. So the content is easier to read so that someone can get the fastest results.
d. Accurate in providing information
When creating content, hundreds of people read it but it turns out that what is written is sometimes inaccurate. You can imagine that the negative impact will make the brand that has this content become bad or decline. Content is a reflection of the company so if there are problems with the content it will have an impact on how someone views the brand. What needs to be considered?
- Consider anyone who is trusted in creating content and has authority, providing links to quality websites will certainly provide greater trust.
- Providing information about content, the more interesting content information you provide, the more trustworthy it will be.
- Providing links in the form of other content sources to help search engines obtain information from search engines to find out the contents of the content created and how the content is grouped.
e. Creating Engagement Content
Engaging content provides various new things, ranging from perspectives, knowledge or things that provide benefits, inspire or entertain. This content allows readers to see the content that has been created. Here are additional tips for creating engagement content
- Making the audience ask questions, this does not make the content unfinished but makes the audience involved to reflect on how they can implement the knowledge that has been given.
- Provide an impressive introduction. In order for content to become popular more quickly, you need a good assessment from the start. Providing information about why they need to stay with the content they create will make them come back again and again for that content.
- Someone who likes stories, content can be filled with an anecdote in the introductory part of the content. If possible, stories can be used to increase engagement and help the audience learn easily.
f. Communicate better through Images and Videos
A person’s way of receiving information is different, so sometimes content with images or videos can be better absorbed. Information in pictures, videos and diagrams can provide good illustrations. Whatever is written and depicted will certainly be more interesting if you add existing pictures.
g.Make it short but also pointed
When learning to create content, it is certainly important to limit mistakes. Of course this is very challenging and requires more hard work. So, don’t just focus on how detailed the content is, but how effectively and efficiently the content can be seen and absorbed by the audience.
h. Always update content
Starting to create content requires a commitment. If you don’t create content for a few days, it will affect the existing algorithm, making the content zero again. This requires digital marketers to update regularly every day with quality content so that it will provide a strong audience wave.
2.4 Measure and analyze results
KIt is very important to understand how to measure success in digital marketing in order to know the crucial role that has a direct influence on sales and increasing profits. Therefore, a digital marketing strategy with careful planning is needed. What are the indicators of digital marketing success?
a. Online sales
By looking at online sales on Google Analytics or other web analytics, digital marketers are able to identify which campaigns are able to drive the highest sales. This can provide a good reference in the future for creating more interesting content.
b. Online and in-store sales viewer
This is done by looking at how much the discount is redeemed on the product being promoted so that you can find out what percentage of customers make purchases on the product being promoted. If the e-commerce you run has a member card, it becomes easier to find out which campaigns are successful in having an impact on sales.
c. Overall site traffic
One of the most basic ways can be done by looking at site traffic. If there is an increase after carrying out a campaign, it is certainly an indication that the campaign is successful.
d. Comparison of new and old traffic
The next indicator can also be seen by comparing the old traffic with the new one. If the campaign is correct then there is a possibility that the new traffic will be greater than the old traffic.
e. Traffic Source
Another thing that can be implemented can be seen from the traffic sources that bring the audience to certain products. For example, what keywords were used before finding the target, whether the content met them all